Chemicals in drilling on need to know basis only.

You know the line that’s spun by the frackers.  We only use chemicals that are available under the kitchen sink, and in any case legislation states we can’t keep anything secret.  Someone needs to tell that to the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland.

An Assembly question AQW 1515/16-21  posed by Oliver McMullan MLA for East Antrim in relation to the controversial drilling   next to Woodburn reservoir requested the Minister confirm whether Biocide T was used on site. Note he didn’t even ask how much was used – merely to confirm if this chemical was used.

The Minister answered by saying she couldn’t answer because Petroleum Licensing Regulations prevented her from doing so until 4 years have passed.

This kinda holes the arguments of all those pro fracking voices who dismiss out of hand the notion that we won’t be told whats going on, whilst simultaneously putting two fingers up at the ordinary person in the street. This is now on record in the Northern Ireland Assembly, that the licensing regulations allow companies to keep this information secret.

Given that the Northern Ireland regulations are similar to those in use elsewhere in the UK,  I think campaigners, but more importantly residents living near proposed sites ( in this instance of course users of water from Woodburn Reservoir)  need to be very worried about whether they will ever be able to find out exactly what chemicals are used, their quantities  and how they were deployed,  in Oil and Gas operations.


About thegasmancommeth

Did you know that an annagram of "richard moorman tamboran" gives "Drab harm or romantic moan"..
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